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Photo Album
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November 2001 (Germany/Belgium)
après Christmas 2001 (Germany)
February 2002 (Ski Weekend at Edelweiss Ski Lodge, Vermont)
April 2002 (Gottschee'r Bowling Club vs. Brooklyn Sports Club) The Bowlers The Cheerleaders
June 2002 (Gottschee'r Männerchor at Lukan's, Hawley PA )
July 2002 (Zum Stammtisch Golf Outing at Forest Park)
February 2003 (Gottscheer Ski Weekend, Vermont)
March 2003, (Edelweiss Ski Weekend, Vermont)
June 2003 (Jüttner's BD Party)
July 2003 (Zum Stammtisch Golf Outing)
February 2004 (Gottscheer Ski Weekend, Vermont)